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The Pearl: Music

             evil pretense. In this scene,evil music is used as a form of descriptive.
             writing, as it setsthe atmosphere for the event about to take place. It.
             also addssuspense, as one may not know where and when the evil shallstrike.
             Steinbeck tries to emphasize the fact that thisphenomenon that Kino hears.
             is similar to what one may consider asixth sense in modern times. Kino thus.
             has the ability toanticipate evil before it actually appears in the plot.
             Music within the family is portrayed by a family prayer orsong. This is.
             sung by most of the poor families of the village,as it has an emotional.
             effect on family lifestyles. "Juana sang softly an ancient song that had.
             only three notes andyet endless variety of interval. And this was part of.
             the familysong too. It was all part. Sometimes it rose to an aching.
             chordthat caught the throat saying this is safety, this is warmth,this is.
             the Whole." At this point, Kino awakes as usual to hear sounds of thefamily.
             song. Here, John Steinbeck brings across the point thatKino's family does.
             this on a regular basis and that they considerit similar to a ritual.
             Steinbeck also stresses that the familymusic is what separates Kino's.
             family from the other villagers. In this scene Kino also hears the sound of.
             breakfast, pigs,and wives. These are all parts of music, but all belonging.
             toother families in the village. The song clearly demonstrates thebond.
             between Kino and his family's lives John Steinbeck uses music of the family.
             as a belief, similarto how we believe in God, and pray to Him. Kino's.
             family singsand believes in their unity, and that if their family was to.
             fallapart, they would lose their point in life. The family uses theirsong.
             as a form of motivation, something to strive for. Kinos mainpoint in life.
             is to ensure a strong future for the family. The song coming from the pearl.
             is similar to that of evil. Theonly difference is that it gives an illusion.
             of good, rather thanthat of evil.
             "All of these things Kino saw in the lucent pearl and he said,`We will.

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