In addition, creativity is a continuous process that should never ever end since "creation is infinite." "It will never stop, neither in time nor space" (Crawford 1966, p.85). Being creative and adopting creative-thinking skills would help stimulate innovation, which will help a company make its business essential in order to be successful in today's competitive world. Furthermore, being creative will help people to think outside the box, break any unnecessary boundaries, enrich personal potential, and explore the undiscovered intelligence that hides inside each person.
Moreover, creativity is something that is inborn in humans; however, humans tend to be less creative as they get older because they create boundaries and standard models for activity and daily thinking as they grow up. Nevertheless, creativity is still an important issue for humans because without it, new products will not be invented. Therefore, even though people sometime tend to be afraid of being creative, it is still needed in every human life. Moreover, innovation is tied to creativity because in order to have innovative designs and new inventions, creative thinking is a must (Crawford 1966).
Application on interrelationship between Creativity and TQM.
Although the Total Quality Management literature almost omits creativity as a TQM strategy, without it, innovation will never happen because creativity and innovation are both essential for a business to succeed. It is especially important for Total Quality Management because innovation and creativity are tied together. Omitting either one will squelch any new improvements. Therefore, in order to be highly integrated with Total Quality Management, keeping silent about creativity and only mentioning innovation in TQM would not sufficiently encourage people to think outside the box (Plsek 1997).
In addition, without practicing creative skills or being encouraged to be creative, innovation will never happen.