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The Life Of Amy Lowell

             conforming them to imagiste writing. Authors such as: Charles Dickens,.
             William Blake and Jane Austin were all well-known during the years Lowell.
             wrote, and began to write in an Imagist style following in Lowell's path. .
             They continued to write Romantic Poetry, in rhyming lines, while Lowell.
             continued to become more versatile, writing in free verse, but in an imagiste.
             style. .
             Many of Lowell's poems written in the later part of her career were.
             written openly about sexuality, which allowed her reveal her own hidden.
             sexuality. From the time her parents died, she had lived in their home with.
             the women she loved, Ada Russell. Though many of her earlier poems had.
             been written about women, she wrote them in such a way that no one could.
             tell. At her home in Brookline, Amy bred and cared for many English Sheep.
             dogs, expressing her love for animals. On the contrary, many viewed Lowell.
             as a crass woman, who was filled with determination. She found great.
             pleasure in all the trees and flowers that were on her large amount of land, .
             and often wrote in the fields or the woods. Amy Lowell was not a very.
             feminine woman in comparison to women of the late nineteenth century into.
             the early twentieth century. Some even claimed that she could not know the.
             full pleasure of love because she was a lesbian and an obese woman. People.
             often saw her in men's shirts and smoking cigarettes, which only heightened.
             their dislike for her appearance (North, 2). .
             Following the publication of her first book of complete works, Lowell.
             began to write in a style which she thought to be her very own. She later.
             discovered the style of poetry in which she was writing was called, "Imagery".
             and poets in England had been writing in this style for quite some time. After.
             doing several years of research on the imagery, and learning of the Imagist.
             Movement, she traveled to England to do further research. After spending.
             some time in England, she traveled home, bringing with her multiple volumes.

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