"The Roman Catholic Church, and many other Christian fundamentalist organizations, are involved in the anti-abortion, or pro-life, movement" (Drill 270). The Roman Catholic Church in particular strongly opposes abortion and considers it to be sinful and punishable by proceeding to hell after death. "In Christianity, abortion is a mortal sin, as bad as murder" (Drill 271). Once a baby is conceived, a soul is placed there. This soul then becomes part of God's kingdom and nothing should take that away. Religions value the permanence of life and condemn anything that can stop or destroy it. Since abortion is a means for doing this, objectors to abortion will continue to find ways to prove how abortion is wrong. Religious views also portray the idea of sex as an act intended solely for the procreation of mankind. Stopping this progressive creation of life solely for personal reasons is considered cowardly and sinful. Therefore, since religion says abortion is wrong, abortion must have an evil side to it and cause more harm than good. Religions are considered by many people around the world as their source of faith of what is right or wrong, and if religions condemn an issue as strongly as abortion, then that issue must truly be wrong. .
There have also been clinical studies on the after effects of abortion. As with any surgical procedure, there are risks. There are instances of side effects that do exist, and the possibility of having more than one trial to abort the baby is possible through incomplete abortion of retained tissue. The most common complication is postoperative infection, such as inflammation of the uterus, endometritis or parametritis. Post abortion depression is also common and will most likely occur to those women who have an abortion. These side effects are all hurtful reminders of both the physical and emotional trauma the woman must go through in having an abortion.