Its purpose was to assure that the people doing the assigning didn't get carried away with themselves. The chapter closes with Archie pulling out a white marble.
Figurative Language and Imagery:.
Page28- " like a scene out of an old WWII movie.".
" as if he"d been sneaking into an Adults Only movie.".
" as if life were a giant checker or chess game.".
Page29- " like the banging of gravel.".
"The silence was deafening after the snap of Carter's fingers,".
Page30- " his Adam's apple doing a dance in that long thin neck.".
Page31- " attention fastened on the thought.".
" everything hanging there by a thread.".
Page32- "Archie let himself be caressed by the laughter-.
" even though he felt a bead of perspiration trace a cold path-.
Page33- "A tremor ran along his arm-.
"Archie felt empty, discarded, used up.".
Symbolism: The marbles. Well, The Vigils in themselves represent the control of the school and therefor the marbles represent control of The Vigils.
Archie- First we saw Archie picking the assignments with Obie discussing how ruthless he was. Now we have actually seen Archie at his best making people feel as pathetic as possible.
Goober- He is a very large man (6"2") and his assignment is to unscrew all the screws in Brother Eugene's room.
Chapter6: This is the first time where we see how vicious Brother Leon really is. Jerry and Archie had mentioned it, but we have now witnessed it first-hand. Brother Leon calls Bailey up to the front of the room to simply antagonize him. He hits Bailey, tell him that he is a cheater, accuses him that he is trying to be perfect like God, he just goes on and on. Then finally one of the classmates tells Leon to leave him alone. Then Leon stops only to announce that this was all really a test. Bailey was able to stand up for himself when others wouldn't.
Figurative Language and Imagery:.