Each one of the disciples were chosen and hand picked by Jesus and some had very key roles that helped fullfill the scripture. For example, Judas played the role as the traitor and turned Jesus over to his death and Matthew was the tax collector that left his booth to follow Jesus, but Peter played a very significant role according to the scriptures. Peter was a very special disciple and from the very moment that Jesus called him he dropped he and his brother drop their nets and immediately followed Jesus(Matthew 4:18-20). Although Peter played the role of a most faithful disciple to Jesus, he had his failures and successes along the way but although his walk may have not been the easiest he played a primary part in the Pentecost and in spreading the word after Jesus had ascended to heaven. In Matthew 16:16-22, we see that Peter is one of the first disciples to realize who Jesus really was as he eloquently proclaims his Lord's true identity as the Christ and also in this !.
passage Peter looks to protect him from the suffering in which Jesus prophesies about. Although Jesus rebuked Peter's words of protection he, in the same breath, also praises him for his realization and tells him that he will be blessed because of it and that promise is kept later on. In Luke 18:26-30, Jesus reminded Peter that following him had its benefits as well as its sacrifices and those words definitely came true. We see that Peter and the other disciples had paid a high price by leaving their homes and jobs all to follow Jesus, by faith. On the last night, Jesus predicts Peter's denial of him in Matthew 26:33-41 and while Peter believes it to be unimaginable, he does what is predicted and denies Jesus three times that same night (Matthew 26:69-75). In Luke 22:62, it sayes that Peter wept bitterly and he did that because he realizes that he denied his Lord and because he had turned away from a dear friend who had loved and taught him for three years.
After Jesus's resurrection, Jesus appears to Peter before appearing to the other apostles (Luke 24:34). ... Its focus is on false teachers from within the church leading people away from the teachings of the apostles. ... Ironically in this letter Peter warned his readers of heretics who departed from the teaching of the apostles and the Old Testament prophets, which is the thing some of these modern critics do there is strong internal testimony to the fact that Peter wrote the book. ...
Within the New Testament are the books of the Acts of the Apostles and the Letters (Epistles). Some refer to the Acts of the Apostles as 'the gospel of the holy spirit'. ... The Acts of the Apostles tell of the growth of the early church under the power of the Holy Spirit. ... Jesus, together with his Apostles, baptised people. ... The teaching of the Apostles has always been passed down from one generation to the other. ...
Unsubstantiated tradition attributes to the apostle Mark the initial preaching of Christianity in Egypt. ... The Roman Catholic church regards itself as the only legitimate inheritor, by an unbroken episcopal succession descending from St Peter to the present time, of the commission and powers granted by Jesus Christ on the 12 apostles (See Apostle). ... The Roman Catholic Church also considers itself as the only rightful inheritor by an unbroken (the line of bishops wasn't broken from St Peter to the present time) bishop descended from St Peter, of the authority and powers given by Jesus...
Jesus scorned the apostles, and told them to let the children come through. ... His ministry started with Him collecting 12 chosen apostles. ... After three days Jesus rose and appeared to each of his apostles. ... The apostles chose one to replace Judas, Mathias. ... A wind swept through, and a flame was lit on each apostle's head. ...
The apostles were gathered all together in an upper room of a house when suddenly, the sound of a fierce wind filled the house. What the apostles saw next was a divided tongue of fire. ... To answer this question the Apostle Peter stood with the other eleven apostles as their spokesmen and addressed the crowd by delivering a sermon. ... (HCSB 2062-2063; Metzger, 182; Online Brotsky) These new believers: " devoted themselves to the teachings and fellowship of the Apostles and to the breaking of the bread and Prayer". " All who believed were together and head all things in; they would sell...
Mary requested that the palm branch be presented at her burial along with the twelve apostles. ... This scene shows the ascension of her body into heaven with all the apostles present, and her tomb is closed. ... Blue is used on five of the apostles and in the sky, and represents heaven and heavenly love; it is also the colour of truth. ... Green is also present among the apostles and on one of the angels, this symbolizes spring, and the idea of regeneration; Mary starting a new life in heaven. ... Bicci's depiction differs because it shows the emotions of both Mary and the apostles, ...
In the Bible it tells us that Jesus has twelve main apostles, as does Beowulf, but his are warriors. ... This is comparable to Christ and his band of warriors called apostles. ... The waiting is similar to the apostles waiting for Christ to return from the Garden of Gethsemane. While Christ was in the Garden, the apostles gave up and fell asleep, all except Peter who loyally awaited Christ's return. ...