The stationing of.
Russian missiles on Cuba was seen as an atrocious provocation by the US, since it was in.
what the Americans had always considered as their "backyard"(p.56)That scared the.
bejusus out of the US because they had no weapons facing that way, also the fact that.
Castro was in power was reason for them to be enraged, and they tried several times to.
assassinate or overthrow him. "Ever since that incident, there has been an era of detente .
between the world, but only in terms of arms, not in terms of ideology-(p.58). That.
incident could've turned disastrous but thanks to the cool headness of President John F.
Kennedy it wasn't WWIII.
When, during the 1980's, Gorbachev was in power, he signed several.
arms treaties and introduced reforms into the Soviet Union.Critics argued however, that.
the reforms were to radical, and they said that they were introduced too quickly. Then the.
Soviet Union started to disintegrate. Several states declared their independence from.
mother Russia, for example the Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, Moldova and Georgia. Due.
to the reforms Russia fell into economic chaos. "Inflation rose to four figures, and prices.
for the bare necessities of life, e.g. Bread, soared up. People could not just buy bread.
when they wanted, which was not just due to the high prices, but also because there were.
shortages in supply-(p.68). Because of those Reforms there still is economic chaos in.
Russia, inflation is still high, and because of the economic chaos, crime rates have soared.
up. Who would've thought that a couple of reforms signed in the 80's would effect people.
in the year 2000. .
The post-Cold War "new world order" is not, like in the Cold War,.
dominated by ideology, but by economics. "Countries want to achieve economic growth.
and want to prosper. Poorer countries are eager to attract foreign investors and rich.
countries are eager to become even richer.