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Teenagers And Sexual Activity

             such as: Seventeen, Young and Modern, Teen, and Teen.
             People. The readers of these magazines are mostly girls.
             with very few male readers. Even though, they target a.
             specific sex, they provide useful information on various.
             topics that deal with sex.
             Around forty-two percent, two out of five.
             articles, that deal with sexual issues, in teen.
             magazines, focus on a sexual heath topic. In.
             almost every sexual article, four out of five,.
             there is a reference to condoms and a forty-one.
             percent, two out of five, rate of reference to.
             birth control. More than half, fifty-seven.
             percent, of sexual coverage includes information.
             on contraceptives, pregnancy, abortion, and.
             sexually transmitted diseases. Half,fifty-one.
             percent, seven in ten teenage girls, who reported.
             reading magazines regularly, say they use.
             magazines for information on sex, birth control,.
             or ways to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. .
             Most of these magazines, sixty-nine percent, say.
             this is information that they do not get from.
             other sources. (Walsh-Cilders).
             Over the years, teen magazines have gotten better in.
             informing teenagers about sexual issues. Although, teen.
             magazines supply helpful information, teens should learn.
             about sex in better ways.
             Sexual education programs can be very useful to.
             teenagers. The sexual education programs, the good ones,.
             address more than the biology of sex and risks. .
             Comprehensive sex education explores the content for and the.
             meaning involved in sex. It should acknowledge that sex is.
             a social and spiritual activity that involves values and.
             choices. The best sex education begins with abstinence to.
             start off with. By using abstinence as a starting point, it.
             encourages young people, who are not ready for sex, and it.
             supports the decision of those who have chosen abstinence. .
             Then, the sex education program should focus on those who.
             are sexually active. They need to know where to go for help.
             and for medical care. Most young people are unlikely to.

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