The young girl enters her bedroom and looks around.
belongings are positioned differently than she had them before. As the fury starts .
to boil in her head she realizes her mother has been in her room. Her mother likes to clean .
and dust, and the young girl wants her privacy. The age old debate about teens and their .
privacy have gone on for years. Should teens be allowed any privacy? Teens would .
answer this question with a huge YES! They believe their personal space and personal .
objects are only theirs, that they are off limits to anyone but them. Parents answer the .
question with a complete opposite answer. They feel teens have false ideas about privacy. .
Parents are the ones who provide the personal space and personal objects for the teenagers. .
The teens' personal space is in the parents' personal house. The teens' personal objects are .
bought with the parents' personal money. Parents believe that since they are responsible .
for their teenagers, finacially and legally, privacy is not a right but earned. I am twenty-.
two years-old. I am in the crossroads of already being a teenager. I know what goes on .
behind closed doors, but one day in the future I will be a parent and have to decide on my .
teens privacy. Knowing what I know now, I believe teens should have limited privacy .
while they are living in their parents' home.
Almost every generation of teenagers have wanted their privacy. They are .
stuck in the middle of not being a child anymore but are still to young to be an adult. .
While trying to mature and age their way up to being an adult, they are at the same time .
trying to find their own unique identity. In the minds of teens their personal space and .
objects become private property, and their parents become their number one enemy.
For generations teenagers have tried to keep their parents from even stepping one .
toe into their bedroom. They hang signs on their bedroom doors stating "no parents .