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             Historical logging is a complete recording of all data passing through a device.
             Statistical logging deals more with statistics that are kept on each data port.
             The difference between them is that historical logging is the complete copy of transactions done for a particular day and statistical logging for example deals with how long a user may have been logged on to a system.
             B. File security is security on a particular file or group of files on a network. For example, .
             A file can be encrypted while being sent over the internet or over a network. A firewall .
             Is a security wall that examines data and then it determines whether to allow that .
             Information to pass through a network or to a workstation depending on the restrictions.
             C. A secret key is a key in an encrypted system. This key is usually in an algorithm and is .
             Is hidden within an encrypted system, as long as this key is kept a secret the data will.
             be safe. Usually when both parties at each end of the message have the secret key to .
             Decrypt the data will also be safe. Now a public key is used in a similar way but both parties use different keys to decrypt the data but the keys are related in a non obvious way.
             D. A symmetric key is when both the sender and receiver use the same key to encrypt .
             And decrypt the message. Asymmetric keys is the opposite. The sender and receiver.
             Use different keys to decrypt and encrypt a message.
             E. Digital Certificates are certificates that certify or authenticate software. A Digital.
             Postmark is a signature in which a trusted third party receives a message and relays.
             It with an authenticated time and date stamp.

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