Secondly, they should hire the brightest of candidates and begin their training. Finally, they should take over classrooms under the tutelage of mentor teachers, and over time climb the ladder just like in the business world. .
As a person who is about to join the profession of teaching in just a few short months, this editorial makes me concerned about the future of the field. The first part of this opinion states that money is the reason top college students are not going into the field, their interest is lost because they will not make the "big bucks." My response to this is that if you are going into a profession for just the money, I do not want you in the field. Teaching is not about money or vacation time, it is about passion, or in other words, "for the love of the game." It is about people, impacting their lives so that they have dreams and goals. Therefore, if money is the reason, I say "Good, stay out!" Even if you make the grade, or are a straight "A" student that does not mean you will be a good teacher, a good doctor, or a good lawyer. There is more to these professions than grades. Step into a classroom, an emergency room, or a courtroom and then see if you can hack it in the real world. .
Teacher certification varies from each state; the author of the editorial makes a complaint, "if only they can be certified easily." Sounds like "lets make it easier to become doctors." The student does not want to go to medical school for nine years but he or she kicks ass at the game Operation. Yeah, Operation may be their favorite game but they do not have any idea what it is like in actual surgery, what it is like to stand there and look into dying patient's eyes. Do you want to know why they don't make it easier to become doctors? It does not make any sense, making the tests easier is not the solution; the patient wants a doctor who knows how to use a scalpel not tweezers to remove the butterflies in his or her stomach.