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Symbollic Interactionism

Needless to say, this hobby laid to rest in the lower level (my hips and buttocks)!.
             I had been married for nearly two years when I realized how unhappy I had become. Trying to find peace, I began to make trips to my hometown of Little Rock, Arkansas whenever possible. I often spent money on these trips far beyond my financial limits. After four years in that marriage, I finally decided that California, that man, and I did not mix! I moved back home to Arkansas.
             As I made these major life changes, my weight continued to fluctuate. Then one day, I decided to try prescription diet pills. When I went to the doctor or these diet pills, he noticed a swelling in my neck. Later I learned that it was called a goiter and is a sign of a malfunctioning thyroid. The doctor didn't seem concerned, however, and gave me a prescription for the pills. I lost weight and was once again an attractive size seven. But the goiter began to concern me. My mother (a trained nurse) suggested that I visit an endocrinologist (a physician who specializes in the treatment of glandular diseases and malfunctions). The doctor ordered some tests and eventually determined that my thyroid was covered by a malignant tumor and must be removed.
             Hearing the word "cancer- in relation to myself was truly an awakening. I suddenly began to look at life very differently. My doctors told me that this surgical procedure would likely damage my vocal cords, and that my voice would never be the same. But how could this be, I thought.
             This experience forced me to look beyond the "here and now."" I realized that my past future would look different than I had originally planned. The scar in the center of my neck is a daily reminder of how blessed that I am. It's true that my voice is different - not literally, but spiritually!.
             As a result of this experience, I am no longer slim and trim, but my faith in God has been strengthened.

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