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Survival (Huck Finn)

            What is survival? According to the dictionary it is "living or continuing longer than another person or thing". To some people it means passing a test or winning a race or a game. But to Huck Finn it meant just getting though the day. Huck had to face many obstacles in his journeys, the three that you will hear about today are, Huck surviving his father, Huck on his own, and the survival of Jim the escape slave.
             Huck loved his father very much but I don't think that the feeling was mutual. Huck had to run away from his father just so he could feel safe. He had to live with a widow and her sister. He was treated fairly well but he was not used to the strict conditions in which he had to live. Then one day his father came back and kidnapped him. That night his father got drunk and tried to kill Huck and when Huck had the chance to escape he didn't. The next morning however he faked his own death and left and his father believed he was dead. But everyone though the father had killed him. A few days later after Huck had run away Jim, the runaway slave found his father dead in a floating house. But he didn't tell Huck who it was and when Huck found out he cried. So there is how Huck survived his father.
             The next thing is how Huck survived being on his own. From the minute Huck ran away he was determined to survive. He had to face many problems in his journeys. Among these things were he had to fake his own death by killing a pig and smearing its blood all over. Then he dressed up like a girl so he could go to the funeral they were having for him. Also he had to help build a raft so he could help Jim sail away from slavery. He escaped from two con artists. Survived being separated from Jim and living with some other family then seeing a friend he made be shot. And other friend shot and killed. But most of all he survived himself because in the end he wanted to survive on his own for ever.
             The last thing you will hear about is how Jim survived on his own.

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