Her two main series are.
The Vampire Chronicles and The Mayfair Witches.22 The Vampire Chronicles portrays modern.
vampires through a vampire's eyes, often as victims of the "dark gift"23 of vampirism, struggling.
to come to terms with their nature or accepting it and moving on. A dominant theme in this.
series is "the belief in the supernatural [as being] part of the human soul."24 These books are.
romantic, realistic, and supposedly written by various vampires to the mortal world. Because of.
this, a large following of Rice's characters has developed, especially Lestat de Lioncourt. Lestat.
is the hypothetical author of The Vampire Lestat, The Queen of the Damned, The Tale of the.
Body Thief, and Memnoch the Devil.25 His fans, including Rice herself, are deeply fascinated by.
this "tall, fair-skinned man with a mass of blond hair."26 They dream of this intriguing vampire.
stealing into their room with a "graceful, almost feline quality to his movements,"27 moving.
closer, "his gray eyes [burning] with an incandescence,"28 and whispering to them some.
unknown truth that would explain the workings of the universe. Another famous author with a.
large cult following is Stephen King.29 His works have gained a great audience not because of.
their characters or stories, but because of King himself. King's readers are fascinated by the.
mind that can produce such horrifying stories, and they see him as a sort of preternatural being. .
Many movies and books have been devoted to this "king of horror."30 Both of these authors,.
Rice and King, along with other writers, journalists, and novelists, serve to bring the supernatural.
to their fans and unite them under its banner. As observed by King, "one touch of horror makes.
the whole world kin."31.
The Puritans of America's early days did not understand much about their universe. In a.
vain attempt to explain what befell them, the Puritans built up "such personifications [and].