Discharged from his consulship for owning too much silver plate, the mention of Sulla's disgraced ancestor attaches the concept of materialism to Sulla at once. From there on numerous examples continue to paint a picture of an unstable, avaricious man with a huge appetite for self-indulgence. Sulla continually brought the disgust of the nobles and public upon himself. After making his soldiers rich by pillaging during the Libyan campaign, a member of the aristocracy remarked to him "There is certainly something wrong about you, who have become so rich when your father left you nothing at all." (Plutarch 66). Certainly, his greatest period of debauchery occurred after he had seized absolute power and spent enormous sums on parties of all kinds. When he dedicated a tenth of his property to Hercules, things were out of control. He entertained with such lavishness that a vast quantity of unused meat was thrown into the river (Plutarch 108). However, what stands out most in Plutarch's narrative is the account of Sulla's proscriptions and the greed on which some were based. Citizens who had absolutely nothing to do with politics were executed in order to confiscate their property. To further this striking example of his greed, the property of the sons and grandsons was also taken. A disgusting use of money during this period was the payment for murdering a condemned man. Two talents were paid to whoever was the executioner, be it a slave or a son (Plutarch 105). Sulla had fallen into such public disfavor from these greedy extravagancies that if he had not given up his dictatorship, it could be conjectured that he would have been overthrown.
Caesar on the other hand, used his money to create a splendor about his life so that he quickly gained the friendship of the common people. Early in his career, his dinner parties and entertainments increased his political stature (Plutarch 246).