Men are encouraged to become men in both novels and life. Women are forced to rise above being a woman. Women strive to be more man-like and are condemned when they take on male characteristics-aggression, ambition and dominance to name a few. .
In life one lives according to stereotypes that guide, but do not define one's character. The Gap exists because large enough groups of people enjoy the clothes that the store sells; it is not the other way around. The Gap then sells these clothes reinforcing the "preppy- stereotype. One cannot definitively predict the behavior of a person, who purchases from the Gap, but assumptions can be made about the average Gap shopper due to stereotypes. Corporations like the Gap often stereotype shoppers. Executives ask questions about what type of shopper should the company aim for? Without the idea that not just one shopper should be aimed at but all shoppers in general; perhaps something would appeal to someone who was less likely to shop at the Gap. The stereotype is a powerful predictor, allowing decisions to be made with ease. But does it stop there? If we can identify and commit to a personal stereotype, can it be used to make decisions about our life? To help identify who we are, and what we are here for. Of course! Job exploration tests are based on this concept. The testee answers a battery of questions, and is scored in different areas. These scores are then compared with the scores of others who have taken the test. The other test takers have also submitted which job they have and their job satisfaction level. A list is then complied of all the jobs of the people matching your scores. The assumption being that if one scored similarly to .
another individual, the stereotype infers that the testee is like that individual, and if they enjoy their job, the testee may also.
Unfortunately, a stereotype negatively affects the ability to understand members of a different group or ethnicity, and as a result is usually resistant to change because of them.