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) why, when, and where, did you get the tattoo, and finally 3) if they knew the risks involved with tattoos. In addition to these main goals, a second level of questioning, involving personal conviction, is in place in order to find out what kind of people get tattoos. This will be used to see if correlations between tattoos, crime, drugs, and alcohol are relevant. The remaining questions are for demographics. They will provide a simple way to divide the population of our survey.
             The subject population of the experiment were mostly young college students from the dormitories located on campus. The survey was distributed randomly to students passing by. There was no determining factors to taking the survey, it was complete random. The average age of the subject population was eighteen years and eight months old. .
             Results: .
             With the investigation into Shippensburg University students knowledge of tattooing some very interesting trends are found. First of all, forty percent of the students have a tattoo, of this percentage fifty percent are male and fifty percent are female. The remaining sixty percent of the subject population are with out any tattoo. Only 16 percent of people with out a tattoo say they do not have plans to get a tattoo.
             Tattoos in Shippensburg:.
             Fifty percent of the individuals with tattoos say they were spontaneous decisions with out much thought put into it. The remaining fifty percent planned the event. Those who said there decision to get a tattoo was spontaneous also said they did not go to get the tattoo with there parents. Half of the individuals who planned their tattoo went with a parent.
             Spontaneous/Planned Event:.
             The main purpose of my study is to see whether or not the Shippensburg University student body knows the dangers of getting a tattoo. When asked if tattooing procedures were safe seventy percent felt tattooing procedures were safe.

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