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Basketball Conditioning

Players today, therefore, need special strength training to prepare them to play their best.
             There are as many philosophies of strength training as there are iron plates in the weight room. You must realize that, while certain principles remain constant, each program is unique. Just because one particular routine works for one person, doesn't necessarily mean another individual will experience the same degree of success with the identical program.
             To improve strength levels you must exert force against a resistance that is greater than you normally encounter during daily activities and one that gradually increases. This is the concept of progressive overload, which is the basis for strength training programs.
             Flexibility Training.
             In developing yourself as a "whole" athlete, flexibility is an area that you must not neglect. The lack of flexibility is one of the most frequent causes to an athlete. It also affects performance by creating improper movement patterns. A high degree of flexibility provides a greater range of motion within the joints of the body. This larger degree of limb movement lowers the likelihood of you sustaining a chronic overuse injury, such as tendentious, or an acute injury, such as strained muscle. A high degree of flexibility also aids in increasing your sprinting speed and improves agility movements. It is designed to progressively increase the range of motion in your joints.
             The method for increasing flexibility range from the dynamic, sometimes violent, ballistic movements to the more disciplined and passive yoga techniques. The ultimate goal is to improve muscle suppleness. Static stretching is recommended as a safe and effective method of achieving flexibility.
             Stretching is very easy to learn and perform. If you stretch consistently and properly you will discover every movement you make will be easier. When you begin any stretch spend at least ten seconds performing each stretch (if time allows hold each stretch 20 - 30 seconds).

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