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Spank Or Not To Spank

             Children are not born with morals and values or the ability to decide right from wrong and would gain from learning such a basic skill. The caregivers of the child have the responsibility of teaching such a skill and must do so in such a way that will be effective (Hanna 395). An Alabama pediatrician, Dr. Den Trumbull, says, "Younger children have a poor understanding of the consequences of their behavior. If inappropriate behavior gets out of hand, especially if it poses a danger to the child or to others, a smack on the bottom may be the only way to control it" (Lemonick 67). .
             If the understanding of consequences aren't learned as a child there is an increased chance the individual will carry this trait into adolescence then into adulthood. Spanking can be an effective discipline to illustrate to the child what happens if, for example, they steal a piece of candy from a store. Simply telling the child it is wrong to steal will not always solidly stick the message into their minds. The child that is not spanked for unlawful or wrong actions will be more likely to act this way later in life. There was a study done in Sweden (conducted primarily by Statistics Sweden and the National Crime Prevention Council) to determine the effect of Sweden's crime rate with association to the ban of corporal punishment, which was put into effect in 1979. In most areas of crime there was little change but there was an increase of 15 to 17 year olds convicted assault and aggravated assault by 54.44% (Durrant 447). This statistic presents how individuals who had p!.
             arents that were prohibited by law to spank them where unaware of consequences. Their ability to judge what would happen after they had assaulted someone had been hindered by the non-spanking law that was passed when they were children. The end result of this spanking prohibition proved to be unbeneficial in the raising of this particular generations children.

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