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Song Of Solomon

They sent notices around town announcing the street was called Mains avenue and not Doctor street. People then began to call it Not Doctor street. People also tended to call the hospital No Mercy hospital because it a!.
             dmitted no African-American people. .
             On the day Mr. Smith jumped from the roof of Mercy hospital, the hospital admitted its first African-American expectant mother. A pregnant woman was there in the crowd that morning along with her two half-grown daughters who were carrying baskets of velvet .
             red roses which they made for a department store. The girls dropped their basket and started running after the red roses to keep them from getting soiled in the snow. People helped them. A woman started singing "O Sugarman done fly away" when she saw .
             Mr. Smith with his blue silk wings on the roof. .
             Officials from the hospital came out cautiously when they realized the gathering wasn't some sort of racial uplift demonstration. They started giving orders as soon as they got over the sight of Mr. Smith on the roof. One nurse tells an African-American woman to .
             send one of the girls around back to notify security. She then points to the woman's grandson. The woman tells her the boy's name is Guitar. The nurse spells out the name of the building where the security guard is and tells the boy to run and get him. When she leaves, he tells his grandmother that the woman forgot an "s" in the spelling of the word. His grandmother tells him the nurse also forgot a "please.".
             Every Sunday Macon Dead gets his Packard out of the garage and takes the family for a drive. Only the girls are happy. Ruth is uncomfortable and Milkman can't see over the dash. Macon himself only takes this drive to reassure himself of his own importance. The people in the community look at the car in good natured envy, but they don't think of Macon as using the car as a car should be used. He walks to work every day and only drives the car on Sundays.

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