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             counting the number of political parties. Let's instead look at how many.
             political views are represented in both countries. In the USA, the Democratic.
             Party can be said to be mostly left of the center on the "left/right" line, the.
             Republicans would be mostly right of the center, and the Green Party would be.
             considered to represent fairly left political views. If we place the political.
             parties in Canada on the same left/right line according to the views they.
             represent, we see that many more views are covered. The Neo-Democratic Party can.
             be labeled as a far-left party, the Liberal Party and the Bloc Quebecois would.
             be considered left-of-the-middle parties, while the Progressive Conservatives.
             are right of the center and the Canadian Alliance (formerly the Reform Party).
             represents far-right views. It is evident that once the political views of the.
             parties are exposed, Canada seems to have the edge over the USA when it comes to.
             the representation of these views.
             Let's now take a look at the second variable that will be used to compare the.
             degree of democracy between Canada and the USA: a high level of public.
             participation in political decisions. To measure this variable, we will look at.
             the number of public representatives who are elected by the population. At the.
             municipal level in the USA, according to the City of St-Louis Board of.
             Elections , the population elects a mayor, a comptroller, a President of the Board of.
             Aldermen, the members of the Board of Aldermen (councilors) and school board.
             members. At the state and federal levels, as maintained by the North Carolina.
             Board of Elections , the population of North Carolina elects members of the US House of Representatives (In North Carolina,12 members are elected), associate Justices of the Supreme Court (2), Judges of the Court of Appeals (5), District Attorneys (37), Judges of District Court (87), members of State Senate (50), members of the State House of.

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