Testosterone was first synthesized in the 1930's and was introduced into the sporting arena in the 1940's and 1950's. By 1950 a U.S. pharmaceutical firm had developed anabolic steroids. Early users were mainly bodybuilders, weightlifters, football players, and discus, shot put, or javelin throwers-competitors who relied heavily on bulk and strength. During the 1970's demand grew as athletes in other sports sought the competitive edge that anabolic steroids seemed to provide. By the 1980's, as nonathletes also discovered the bodybuilding properties of steroids, a black market began to flourish for the illegal production and sale of the drugs for nonmedical purposes (NCADI). .
"The first use of anabolic steroids in sports, nevertheless was by the Soviet weight-lifting teams in the early 1950's" (Lukas 14). Soon after steroids began to spread throughout the world. With the quick effects steroids brought about to the user, many people began taking steroids not knowing the risk factor involved with the drug. .
In today's society many studies have been concluded about steroids. Steroids change athlete's bodies in many ways; however, most of the changes are negative, but there are a few positives as well. The positive effects in the person are "increased healing and of course increased strength", which all of these effects go away quickly after steroid use is stopped (Clayton 27). These effects are very noticeable in the sport, which the athlete participates in. The athlete becomes stronger and faster, and begins to bring a more competitive edge to the sport. With the increased red blood cells the athlete becomes able to endure more rigorous activity without becoming fatigued. This is one of the positives that many athletes overlook, because they are only concerned about the physical muscle gain that will allow them to compete at higher level and more physical level. After steroid use stopped all of the physical effects begin to go away.