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They can't stop from buying candies, toys, or electronic games. They occupy a large sector of the American consumption. I read a story tow years ago about that child who wanted to but a toy through his father credit card, but his father did not agree to go along with his wishes. What did that child do? He took his father's card and reserved a ticket to Europe and almost done it. However, adults are not free from greed. They tend to work more to earn more and as a result, to buy more. The GDP per capita doubles every ten years, but it seems that saving plans don't change and spending is increasing. At a point some people travel to attraction malls by plane just to shop. There is a fact that the number of schools is decreasing and the number of malls is increasing. A credit card is a vital thing to acquire if it is used right. The idea behind credit cards is to use under emergency circumstances. Unfortunately, the majority uses them to satisfy useless needs and ignore the fact that what they bought is not important. It is a kind or block-out that they go through when they find something new. As a result loans accumulate and they end up bankrupt. Marketing has played an important role in selling more of firms?products and services. It has a lot of tricks and strategies that will attract more consumers into the firms'traps. Marketers target "victims?in different ways such as TV advertising. They convince that a person in no one unless he or she buys the product either by saying that the previous version of the product is out of date, or by showing the importance to acquire such a product to any ones "life? It is a fact that an average American receives about one million advertisements before he or she reaches the age of 20. Another way to advertise is through posters and brochures. Just imagine the amount of junk mail that people receive every day. It got to be one of them that grabs the attention of the poor consumer.

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