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Sexual Content On The Internet

             The burden from here must next shift to that of the parents. Their required portion is now to obtain and implement the lockout software. Having separate passwords for children and adults will allow the parents to regulate which websites their children will be allowed into. The shared responsibility is key to this system working. Sharing responsibility has been a popular and effective method used in this country in many instances. For example, the government must provide schooling for all children in this country. However, it is the responsibility of the parents to ensure their children go to school and learn. If the burden is placed too much on one party, the system will fail.
             There has been controversy as to whether or not children vs. adolescents should be treated similarly when viewing sexual material. The line which divides children from adolescents is an undetermined one. Since what seems the beginning of time, our government has tried to regulate what youth are exposed to. Some children can mature as early as age 13; others are still learning at age 23. The truth is, there is no way to ensure the exact moment of maturation in every child's life. The government instead uses generalizations based on statistics of when children become adults or not. Who is to say that an adolescent knows the difference morally between pornography and the expression of ideas? Therefor, the government's mandate of anyone under the age of 18 is not allowed to view sexually explicit material should remain, with no differential treatment between adolescents and children. .
             The formation of a governing board is the most complex component of creating this system. Their sole purpose is to categorize website sexual content and assign each website with a rating. This is a daunting task given the enormous number of web sites in existence, and changing every day. In deed, it would likely be impossible to review over a billion websites that now exist on the Internet.

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