But marriage has its limitations, and can not truly suffice as fully completing the puzzle of halves. No person alive, is ever loving, and all forgiving; neither was the mother while pregnant but the baby is oblivious to that at the time because the mother responded to the babies semiotic desires. The act of marriage is the attempt to unite oneself with a significant other of who may be assumed to be the missing piece of your whole self. With the union signified the couple would then continue to bond on a more purely physical level, by making out or performing acts of sex.
The act of sex is the physical bodily joining of two people that climaxes with an eruption of the semiotic. The wordless communication that is understood, during this moment of indulgence, is the indescribable rush of the semiotic breaking the boundaries of the symbolic. The symbolic suppresses and restricts the true meaning of the semiotic because you can not describe a sexual climax with the same word you would use to describe divinity. For example the use of the word "Good," Some people will say "was it good?" Yet it is this very same "good" that is used to describe God and the things that are associated with God. This is the reason why we cannot articulate or express the pure semiotic urges and emotions in life. Yet sex is also another example of how people respond or react to the yearning for another, the desire to be whole. .
Sex is in essence the merging of two physicals, which in turn melds the intellectual self as well. This bodily desire for another could be caused by the once merged pair of the mother and child. Before the child is born unto this world, the new life is biologically attached and part of the mother, until finally having its last physical attachment, the umbilical cord severed without hesitation. This former merge also gives reason to the rise of the initial act or response of sex, as the attempt to re-enter the womb.