The classroom is not just about absorbing information given from the teacher. It is a small working environment where one needs to participate in and to learn to cooperate with one's peers in also. When women do not have this development working alongside a male presence in an organized, business atmosphere; they will be unprepared for the job market. Women and men work together all the time in America's working places today. A Woman will not be fully ready to interact with a male in these places. One can say that there is life out of school, but hardly ever is it structured or business-like. Women need that interaction with men in the classroom regardless of who talks more in front of the class. Taking females away from this environment will never give them that interaction.
Furthermore, this schism will have a negative effect on males also. For every force, there is an equal and opposite force. Men too will feel the influence of no women in the classroom. They too will not have that crucial developmental relationship with women in a business-like structure. By no means will this solve their problem with aggressiveness. They will be left alone to grow up in a male-dominated micro-society where the aggressiveness between each member will be multiplied rather than diminished. When these ill-fated products enter the workplace, they will have little or no discipline over their tendency to dominate conversations or interrupt another person. Men need women to work with women at a developmental age just like women need men. .
Secondly, going to school with all women does not sound inviting to most women anyways. In a survey taken where women were asked if they would like classes with all women, all of the 45 interviewed said, "No". Then when asked if this separation of men and women in the classrooms will help women's participation in class discussion, all but one did not even begin to consider it true.