According to Clinical reference systems the complications include Infection, excessive bleeding, failure to end pregnancy, and difficulty becoming pregnant after several abortions, and performation, (a result of a surgical instrument going through the uterus and possible injury of an abdominal organ) (Clinical Reference System-886). .
Symptoms of possible complications include severe abdominal pain, fever, foul smelling discharge from the vagina, bleeding that is more than a heavy period or consists of large blood clots, and signs of continued pregnancy such as breast tenderness, fatigue, and nausea (Clinical reference systems-886). .
A woman may develop an eptopic pregnancy with a new child after previously having an abortion with another (Diagnosing-74). "An eptopic pregnancy causes feat and of maternal morbidity,"(Diagnosing-74). Having an abortion, a previous eptopic abortion, or tubule damage from infection increases the risk of n eptopic pregnancy. This mainly affects women over thirty-five, women with a history of infertility, woman who have had therapy for infertility, and those who smoke, an eptopic pregnancy is fifty percent more likely if an abortion had previously taken place (Diagnosing-95). .
Abortion is aimed to kill the baby or fetus, but may sometimes kill the mother too. Over a years time there are about 10,000 maternal deaths due to abortion. Besides those legal recorded abortions there is an estimated one million that were either performed illegally or were never recorded by whomever performed the abortion. Of that estimated one million, of which were not recorded or were performed illegally, there is an estimated 10,000 maternal deaths (Granfield-84). If all of the recorded and estimated maternal deaths are added, the sum is a staggering 20,000 deaths. .
When thinking of an abortion, women should consider emotional drawbacks. A clinical abortion happens in a matter of minutes, yet any woman who has been through the procedures know that only her physical pregnancy was terminated that quickly (The Choices We Made).