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Royal Baby

            Why is the Royal Baby to be born in a Spartan Hospital?.
             This article was about how the royal baby will be born at the Imperial Household Agency Hospital. It is a two-story, 27 room hospital, that is reserved for the royals and the imperial-household employees and there acquaintances. The hospital is not in great shape, they just had the roof fixed and also the walls have cracks on them. The hospital was built in 1964. But Crown Princess Masako doesn't want to go to a luxury hospital. In the royal family it is traditional. .
             I was surprised at this. I thought that a royal family would have a lot of money and would be living it up. But in Japan they are very into tradition. I think that it is very good that there are like this. I was also surprised to see that Emperor Akihito turned away money that was offered by the Bureaucrats. I think that is good. That even though he is the Emperor he think that he shouldn't get any more money then and other people just because he the Emperor. I think that most people would have taken the extra money but he turned it away.
             I can connect with this article by that my Great Grandmother was not born in a hospital. She was born in a countryside house in Norway. But when she had my Grandmother, my Grandmother was born in a hospital in New York. This is just like Empress Michiko when she had Crown Prince Naruhito. But now when Crown Princess Masako has her child it will be at the Imperial Household Agency Hospital.
             I think that in the future that the royal family will still use the Imperial Household Agency Hospital. I think that they will keep the tradition of using that hospital. I think that in the future that they might rebuild the hospital so it is more up to scale as the times go on.

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