Racial profiling it exist all around the world.
to people? How does it affect every day human life? What causes it? How .
does it affect you? How do you feel about it?.
Every where you turn these days you hear about racial profiling, and .
it's mainly happening to young people of Color and Spanish origin. .
Sometimes just the color of your skin can put one at risk of racial profiling.
Other times its done because of a type of car you drive, hanging out on the .
corner with some friends, or even walking with a group of people of the same .
kind, and then there's the outrageous reasons like looking suspicious.
This affects every day life because people from young to old of Color or .
Spanish origin are being ridiculed, harassed, searched, and sometimes .
harassed by doing little things like looking a different way, dressing .
differently, talking differently, or even hanging outside. This affects us .
greatly because who wants these things done to them when they've .
committed no crimes or in general done nothing wrong. It happened during .
slavery times and it still happens today. Who knew having a fancy car could .
get someone pulled over and even checked. Is it the car or who's driving the .
car that gets that person pulled over. Surveys were taken shown that people .
of color were pulled over eighty-five percent of the time when they only .
made up thirty five percent of the driving population in New Jersey state. .
That doesn't even sound remotely strange to you. It really makes me begin to .
Really you can feel has bad or as happy about it as you want to. When .
it all boils down to it, there's nothing really that you can do to stop it. Even if .
you got to the proper authorities it will always be your word against theirs. .
So in general you have to learn to get around it, live with it and be able to .
take it. That's my opinion on racial profiling.