They ride a tricycle. .
They catch a ball. .
They stand on one foot. .
They build towers of 6-9 blocks. .
They walk on tiptoes. .
They jump horizontally. .
They handle small objects such as puzzles, and pegboards. .
They smear or daub paint. .
They draw or paint in circular and horizontal motions.
When a list like this is compiled, there is always going to be discrepancies. This is because you child may not grow and achieve these feats at these certain time frames. As a parent, this is nothing to worry about, because children are different and that is what helps to make them an individual. For instance, Connor who is only 16 months old can perform most of the activities that are listed under the two-year-old. Whereas his cousin who is only a weak younger then him, was much slower than him in doing some of these things on the list. It is all up to your baby when he/she wants to perform and develop. .
One way that has been studied as a way to get children to become more smooth with their motor skills, was to begin letting children as young as three years begin using chopsticks. In a study conducted in 1955, by T. Yama*censored*a, the scientists were able to show a correlation between the proper use of chopsticks by children as young as three to a non-clumsy motor skill set in the future. This precision of finger movement associated with chopsticks heightens a child's motor skills. So much so, that in several kindergarten classes chopsticks use has been added to the curriculum. This journal stated that fingers motor skills at a young age are crucially important for the child. (Hatta).
There are also other things that can be done by parents to stimulate their children is something called Tactile Stimulation. Stimulation of infants as early as birth can lead to a healthier baby. Weather it is form touch or a child sucking to nurse, they can all be beneficial to a child.