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            The responsibility of maintaining public order and preventing and directing crimes are fallen on the shoulders of the policemen in the community. The policemen of the community are the main reason why there is order and continual harmony. The safety of the people, the preserving law and crime preventing are the basic police mission.
             Crime prevention is the foremost important job that the police in the community must maintain each and every day. They enforce the laws, order, and public protection that are meant to protect the lives of the community.
             Crime prevention, however, also means activities related to improving the security of homes and businesses, and to educating citizens to protect themselves. Community development aims to improve a community's living conditions by encouraging the community members to help themselves and help the policemen. Active citizenship is an essential part of community development initiatives, creating committees, voluntary and charitable organizations, discussing problems, needs and ideas with neighbors, joining local councils and going to public meetings encourages empowerment and enables community members to have an active role in the conditions and factors which affect their lives individually and collectively as a community. This is key to keep safety and not chaos.
             Safety of the people makes the police have duties which cover a wide range of activities, from criminal investigation and apprehension to crime prevention, traffic regulation, and maintenance of records in the society. In law the police have the right of a government to make laws necessary for the health, morals, and welfare of the populace.

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