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Pearl Harbor

             men survive. The destroyer Cassin was struck and rolled into the other destroyer Downes,.
             wrecking both ships. .
             At 8:30 a.m. while the United States was still cleaning up all the damage from the first.
             attack, Japan came with more bombs and dropped it's second group of bombs. At 9:30 after the.
             second air raid, the destroyer Shaw exploded, showering clothing, mattresses, dishes, furniture,.
             guns, and human limbs into the water and onto other ships (DUNNAHOO 26).
             After looking back at the history of the two countries and the bombing itself, many people.
             feel that President Roosevelt was responsible for the bombing and the United States entrance to.
             World War II. Roosevelt wanted Hitler to declare war so that the United States could enter.
             without it looking like he was the cause. He even said that this (Hitler declaring war) would be his.
             backdoor to the war. .
             FDR also received news which made him want to enter the war, one incident occurred on.
             7 October 1940 when Navy IQ analyst, McCollum wrote an eight point memo on how to force.
             Japan into war with the US. The day after he heard read this FDR began to put them into effect.
             and eventually accomplished them all. Also on 11 February 1941 FDR proposed sacrificing six.
             cruisers and two carriers to Manila to get into war. One other big event was on 18 October 1940.
             when Secretary of the Interior, Harold Ickles, said, .
             "For a long time I have believed that our best entrance into the war would be.
             by way of Japan (MOTHER OF ALL CONSPIRACIES 2).".
             The Japanese used several codes during the war that the United States had in some cases.
             seen already and in other had not seen , but all of them eventually were deciphered. These codes.
             were the Purple Code, J-19 code, and JN-25 code. The Purple code was the top diplomatic.
             Japanese machine cipher that used automatic telephone switches to separately and differently.
             encipher each character sent. This code was deciphered by the Army Signal Intelligence Service.

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