"The word "witch" is derived from the Old English meaning wicca, it is pronounced "witcha" meaning male witch , and wicce, pronounced "witcheh" meaning female witch" (Russell 12). Witches believe in the Goddess and the God. They are believed to be the sole creator of the universe. The Goddess represents Mother Nature or Mother Earth. She is associated with the moon, fertility, the hunt, and Modern Witchcraft. She has many names but is commonly known as Diana. She has many names and many shapes, but over all, the Goddess is anything a witch wants her to be. The God is named "The Horned God". He represents the sun, grain, and is seen in the woodlands. The witches associate The God with Pan, the Greek god of fertility. This is one of the reasons that many Christians believe Witchcraft to be evil. During the time of the persecution of witches, the Christians mistook the worshipping of the fertility god, Pan, as the worshipping of Satan, who the Christians believed to be horned, have a tail, hairy legs, and hooves.
The misconceptions of Witchcraft have been inaccurate and misleading. The biggest misunderstanding about Witchcraft is its affiliation with Satanism. Satan is a demonic figure from the Christian belief, not from Witchcraft. In Witchcraft there is no deity that is evil. Witchcraft is thought by many to be an evil religion when, in fact, it is quite the opposite. It deals with nature and everything in the world that surrounds us. Witches believe that anything ritual or spells cast, whether it be good or bad, will come back to you three times over. They refer to this as the "Three Folds Law" making witches reconsider carrying out evil actions. Another misconception about Witchcraft is the name a male witch is called. Many people believe that a male witch is called a "warlock" when in fact, according to the Witchcraft religion, he is called a witch like everyone else.