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Organ Transplants

             part from one person and put it in another. I feel that this is a unfair and uneducated.
             referral to a life saving technique that is giving hope to persons who were at one time in a.
             hopeless situation. .
             Such was the case with Kenny Lutz as he returned from working a 12-hour shift.
             one day. He became ill and drove himself to the hospital only to find out that he had.
             cardiomyopathy. There is no cure for the disease but doctors managed it for several years.
             with medication and a pacemaker. Also a AICD was installed in his chest. Even though he.
             seemed to defy all the odds , his health continued to deteriorate. It became apparent that.
             he would need a heart transplant. Doctors were telling his family it was just a matter of.
             hours and then the news came that a donor heart had been found. "A 32-year old man had.
             lost his life in a tragic car accident in Indianapolis, Indiana, and his family had donated his.
             organs. The heart was a perfect match and the transplant took place. His health improved.
             immediately" (The Journal Gazette). .
             Kenny and his wife Gale were here to visit last spring. He had a overnight case of.
             anti-rejection medication and other medicines he had to take but he seemed quiet well.
             Before he left I had to ask if at any time he felt that other man's emotions and etc. After.
             all he had the heart of another man in him. He stated he was different; however, he did.
             not feel that it was from the donor heart. He said no one could come that close to death.
             and not be a changed man. Kenny is still doing quiet well. .
             Heart transplantation resembles liver transplantation in that the patient's life.
             depends on the transplant's ability to function at once. It is a technically easier operation,.
             but rejection is difficult to recognize early and seems even more difficult to prevent. .
             Other human organs that have been transplanted with at least some success include.
             the pancreas and the lungs. Lungs have been grafted most successfully when combined.

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