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They are also a major cause of the depletion of the ozone layer. According to a study in the journal Science, if greenhouse gases were cut in four major cites - Sao Palo, Brazil; Mexico City, Mexico; Santiago, Chile and New York City - could save 64,000 lives over the next 20 years. We must develop cars that have fewer emissions than internal combustion engines in order to save lives. The perfect car is a fuel cell car. The emissions from fuel cell cars are 98% to 100% cleaner than today's cars. This means that there is virtually no pollution on these cars. This would be a major step in reducing pollution. According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, in the dirtiest US cities, the economic value of zeroing out pollution with these vehicles could total $4,300 to $8,!.
             300 per car over its lifetime. This means that by driving around a fuel cell car you will save the government $8,300 that would otherwise be used to clean up the pollution caused from an internal combustion car.
             Fuel cell vehicles could also help resolve some differences between the Middle Eastern countries and the U.S. There are five Middle Eastern countries that produce 30% of the world's oil, which allows these countries to basically control the prices of oil. These five countries are Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates. The U.S. wants the oil coming from these countries to be as cheap as possible, while these countries would like to get as much money as they can for this oil. This is where many problems with the Middle Eastern countries have started. If our economy were not so dependent upon oil, we would not have trouble with these countries. The U.S. would not be so concerned about oil prices in the Middle East if our economy were not so reliant upon oil. .
             What Is A Fuel Cell?.
             According to howstuffworks.com, a fuel cell is an energy conversion device that creates electricity and heat from hydrogen, the most abundant element on Earth, and oxygen.

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