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But according to Johnna "trade-minded Clintonites are more interested in cracking open India's vast, protected markets" than worrying about the nuclear tests. This article also talks about the survey that was done in several cities of India to find out how the public felt about the tests. Out of thousand people 91% agreed with the tests and 82% favored the deployment of the tests. Author also describes that one of the reasons that India took out these tests was to be recognized in the powerful world. India wanted to make a stand for itself. Later in the article he explains that how lots of countries have signed treaties not to develop or experiment with the atomic power. Countries such as "South Africa has dismantle its nuclear power and South Korea and Taiwan have halted their nuclear programs; Iraq has been manhandled into giving up its nuclear preparation. Johanna says that India insists on not signing these treaties as long as United Nation and U.S allow the nuclear haves to carry their warheads, missiles and development capabilities while not permitting have-nots from acquiring anything. He also says that Vajpayee has not promised that India's tests are over but has agreed to join some treaty. .
             I agree with Johnna on his point of view. U.N or U.S can only do so much to stop the nations who are willing to swallow the international condemnation in order to fulfill their need of nuclear arms. It is about national prestige, being someone in this world. I also agree with the author when he mentioned the point that U.S was too busy making trade agreements with India than to concentrate on the surprising tests taken out by India.
             The second article by Douglas Waller titled "Why the sky speis missed the desert blasts". In this article Douglas gives reasoning behind why India's nuclear detonation came as a surprise even though U.S has the technology to keep and eye on India's blast sit Pokhran.


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