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Shell as a Global Business

            The following business report is in reference to a global company I have studied. This report will give a brief insight into the business Shell is, as well as identifying its major international targets, and analysing its reasons for global expansion. It will identify the influences on this business in the global market, and explain the strategies used by the business and its branch office managers to achieve its markets.
             The aim of the Shell group is to meet the energy needs of society, in ways that are economically, socially and environmentally viable, now and in the future. This is achieved in a wide variety of ways. Most people know the company best as the suppliers of fuel and lubrication products at their local service station, and as a company that explores on land and sea to find and produce oil. Shell also has operations worldwide exploring for and producing gas. As a group they market gas and power internationally, to consumers and businesses alike. Shell's chemical products find their way into all sorts of commercial and domestic use from mobile phones to furniture, and they also have rapidly growing businesses in several of the new energy' sectors including hydrogen, solar, geothermal and wind energy.
             Shell operates in over 135 countries, and employ more than 90,000 people. Around the globe, Shell companies work in partnership with industry, government and society to deliver what is expected of them - economically, socially and environmentally. .
             Global businesses enter foreign markets for a number of reasons, all of which are ultimately linked to the desire to increase sales and profits. Some businesses are initially reluctant to expand internationally because of the difficulties they believe it will confront them with. However, once a business learns of the opportunities presented by such expansion, they may regard it as an exciting strategy which offers numerous advantages, such as;.

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