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Natures Place In Literature

             violent compared to the country they had come from. Bradford has.
             led the Pilgrims to this far away, strange land in hopes of bringing.
             Christianity to the savages that they had encountered. .
             Anne Bradstreet describes a nature that reflects God's glory in her.
             work "Contemplations." She states,.
             Art thou so full of glory that no eye / Hath strength they.
             shining rays once to behold? / And is thy splendid throne erect.
             so high / As to approach it can no earthly mould? / How full of.
             glory then must thy Creator be, / who gave this bright light .
             Hardin 3.
             luster unto thee! / Admired, adored forever, be that.
             majesty!"(Bradstreet 1) .
             Bradstreet sees nature as amazing and awesome. She is so taken.
             back by the glories found in nature and around her. Nature praises.
             God with all of its beauties and creatures. The creatures of the.
             forest praise God by all of the sounds they make. Although.
             Bradstreet and other mortals cannot understand what they are.
             saying, God understands everything that they say. Bradstreet sees.
             nature as something that reflects the magnificence of God.
             In "Inscription for the Entrance to a Wood," William Cullen.
             Bryant describes nature as a retreat for man. "To thy sick heart,.
             Thou wilt find nothing here / of all that pained thee in the haunts of.
             men, / And made thee loathe thy life" (Bryan 828). Men come to the.
             forest to escape all the hardships of their lives. The forest is.
             described as being lush and green. Green is used to symbolized life.
             and rejuvenation. Men are renewed when in nature. They are.
             blessed by the suns and the sweet breath of the trees. Bryant says.
             that the wind embraces the people who enter the woods. The forest.
             reflects the relationship between God and man. God comforts man .
             Hardin 4.
             when he needs help. When surrounded by nature and God, man.
             feels relief and joy. .
             Ralph Waldo Emerson believes that nature is something that.
             man is unable to change. When in nature, man is able to escape.

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