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Natural Change

             identity as a bird, it will change and grow like a bird. For example, one major .
             characteristic of a bird is its wings. Animals classified as birds should naturally have .
             The third cause is the efficiency cause. This cause describes the direct source from .
             where a natural object obtains its characteristics, pattern, and cycle. A natural object .
             inherits its internal principles from the matter from where it came. For instance, a bird .
             comes from another bird. Along with having the same identity, the birds will have the .
             same internal principles and natural changes. .
             Finally, the last cause describes the goal of the natural object. This is called the .
             final cause. As already mentioned, a natural object has an internal purpose. A bird's .
             internal purpose or goal is to grow, get old, and then die. This cause answers the question .
             of why the bird goes through specific natural changes in its cycle of life. In this case, we .
             are referring to a bird's digestion of food. It goes through this change in order to fulfill its .
             internal purpose.
             Aristotle states that a natural change is an unbroken path to the actual. If there was .
             a break in the path to actuality, then the change would be considered a different change. .
             He also explains that an natural object will always have the potential to change to the .
             actual. A natural object can be actual and potential at the same time.
             For example, a bird's digestion of food is an unbroken path. If the bird was to fly .
             away to find better food, the time that it took for it to fly around would be considered a .
             break in the change. When it goes to eat something different, then this is a completely .
             new change. .
             To better illustrate the point of actual and potential, we can again use the bird's .
             digestion of food. This change will reach the point of actuality. Which is, the point at .
             which the bird will receive nutrients from the food to grow. At the same time, the bird has .

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