Gun control has become a wide spread issue in our country.
of America's very existence, for without them, we may have never established our .
freedom. However, the times have changed, and today they are steadily tearing apart our .
country as effectively as they brought us together in the 1700s. Apparently to modern .
day society, all different types of people have their opinions on gun control, but which .
opinion is right is questionable, and there is no right set answer. Should we completely .
get rid of them, or should they be accessible to everyone? Our safety as a country is at .
stake. .
Americans have the right to protect their home, family, and property, but are our .
common ways with dealing with firearms acceptable? In many urban areas guns are .
easily accessed. One is easily misled because on the whole, crime rates are down, but .
school shootings are increasing, and the decline in gun related homicide is not happening .
at an outstanding rate. The streets of the American Urban City, are still unsafe. There is .
much speculation on how to manage these types of problems. For one, there are .
registration laws regarding the ownership and operation of guns, however, many .
criminals do not comply. Gun control has become one of the most increasing topics in .
America, today. Guns are a large part of with these laws that are meant to protect us.
When the Second Amendment was written, giving citizens the right to bear arms, .
our forefathers were simply accommodating the "norm" for society at that time. Guns .
really were for protection of family and property then. The times were harder and law .
enforcement was unquestionably different from what we are used to today. People that .
lived in America during the revolution still relied very much on hunting. Hunting was a .
means to accommodate human kind's inherent need for nourishment. Whereas today, .
hunting is a sport where, in many cases, the trophy is not a winter's worth of meat, but a .