There is no doubt of the impact that failing a test has on a child and supporters of Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theory question " how reasonable is it to favor one child onto a gifted education track for 12 years simply because she scored a magical number on a Stanford-Binet test? More importantly, how reasonable is it to deny other children the chance to have the freedom to explore just because their scores were not up to par?" The "Traditional Intelligence Theories" website said that " tests focus at best on only one-seventh of an individual's intellect
" By using Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theory, there have been many successful ways that intelligence has been measured in the classroom.
Howard Gardner's view of intelligence is that " people possess at least [eight] different intelligence's which operate in varying degrees depending upon each person's individual profile of intelligence's" ("Developing Higher Order Thinking Skills and Multiple Intelligence's"). These eight intelligence's are: linguistic, logical-mathematical, intra-personal, inter-personal, musical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic and naturalistic. .
Linguistic intelligence is the ability to use language effectively as a vehicle of expression and communication. These include people such as poets, reporters, talk-show hosts and teachers. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence refers to a person's ability in logic, math and science. These people, such as mathematicians, scientists, astronomers, engineers, need order and sequence and use a great amount of problem solving. Intra-Personal Intelligence refers to a person's ability to know themselves. These include people such as therapists, psychologists, philosophers and novelists. Inter-Personal Intelligence is the ability to notice and respond appropriately to other people, especially their moods, motivations and feelings. Examples of this are politicians, sales people, social workers and religious leaders.