This study also indicates that although the overall age score is the same across age, younger adults may experience emotions (both positive and negative) more strongly than older adults (Bee, 2000). Further, the factors that contribute to life satisfaction change with age, for example, health is a more significant predictor of life satisfaction among older adults than it is among young adults (Bearon, 1989, cited in Bee, 2000). .
Some factors that have been associated with successful aging are better education, high income, non-smoking, more exercise and better mental health (Jorm, Christensen, Henerson, Jacomb, Korten and Mackinnon, 1998).
Current views and expectations about aging, are influenced by general societal beliefs and stereotypes (Baltes and Graf, 1996). Survey research has found that personal and societal expectations about old age are generally negative, with most people regarding old age as a period of decline and decreased frailty (Baltes and Graf, 1996). Therefore instead of looking forward to old age, most people want to remain young (Baltes and Graf, 1996). For instance, biology defines aging as that period in life when biological systems lose their efficacy and functioning.
(Baltes and Graf, 1996). This limited definition, therefore, links aging to decline and deficits, which may prevent people from discovering whatever potential growth remains (Baltes and Graf, 1996). This, therefore, brings forward the point of psychological characteristics in older age.
Currently, our understanding of the disablement process of old age remains incomplete (Seeman et al. 1999). Evidence suggests that there is a lack of one-to-one relationship between functional abilities and actual levels of reported functioning (Seeman et al. 1999). This raises the question as to why some individuals appear to function at lower levels than would be predicted by their apparent functional "capacity" (Seeman et al.