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Morality Can Exist Without Religion

             That is why it is essential that children learn good morals at a young age. Who is responsible for teaching these morals? Some say it is the educational system's job. Others believe that throwing children into the hands of religious leadership will work. Granted, religion reinforces certain morals, but ultimately the first exposure to morality is taught and enforced at home. Parents/guardians must instill good, sound morals into their children and create an environment where morals are practiced.
             It is the duty and obligation of the parents to teach them what is "right" and what is "wrong." By learning good morals, children will grow up and adopt them as a way of life. Too often, the population at large is quick to judge why children commit immoral acts. They bring guns to school, and the blame is pointed toward the video game arena. Children use unacceptable, improper, foul language. The finger is pointed to the "R" rated movies and television. It is human nature to point the finger of blame at anything other than one's self to avoid accepting the responsibility.
             For the sake of argument, place the blame for violent behavior and foul language on the entertainment world. The video games, movies, and television glamorize the use of horrendous words and provide children and young adults with images of innocent people being slaughtered. If this entertainment is to be the culprit, how did children and young adults gain access to it? If young people should not be watching such bad movies and playing violent games, why do their parents let them? If anything, the blame lies on the parents for allowing children them to view such things. Once again, it brings up the point that morals are taught and enforced in the home.
             The environment in which one is raised plays a significant role in the development of morals. The community in which they live determines the morals of a society.

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