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Morality As A Community Affair

             on our moral commitment. Like Etzioni described with the Chinese nesting boxes we belong to.
             more than just one community and like the individual the different communities are affecting by.
             each other.
             Etzioni expresses the importance of communities agreeing on some basics of moral.
             beliefs. People can use one of their communities to escape responsibilities of each other. If a.
             person started to associate with co-workers more because the neighborhood community was.
             being to demanding it plays that person's different communities against each other. Etzioni.
             responds to this by saying, "societies in which different communities pull in incompatible.
             directions on basic matters are societies that experience moral confusion or moral voices that.
             don't carry" (516). Our different communities must work together because they effect each other.
             and they can't function properly without agreeing on some basics.
             Most Americans have a problem with using their moral voices. Some things seem to go.
             unsaid because everyone of a certain community knows what is expected. Etzioni gives us an.
             example of a town with a four-way stop sign that experienced a fairly heavy flow of traffic. Car,.
             almost always, carefully waited their turns to move ahead, mostly because it was expected. .
             When a driver moved out of turn, which was rare, the offenders often had our-of-state license.
             plates (516). In a mild situation communities rarely respond to those who disregard expected.
             values. When someone does respond they are likely to ask or reprimand the offender in a sense.
             that if they would follow the rules it would be a favor. Instead it should be asked in a way that is.
             labeled as something a decent person would not do. In this situation Etzioni says, "this.
             disinclination to lay moral claims undermines the daily, routine social underwriting of morality. .
             It also hinders moral conduct in rather crucial situations" (519).
             The main concern with fears of moral claims deals with the fact that we as Americans.

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