Having books is not but not being able to learn from them is.
not. It is not fair to the teachers and it is not fair to the teachers. That is why I say our tax dollar.
should go to the paycheck of the teacher. .
The problems with todays taxes are, first of all, there are too many taxes, taxes are too.
high, and there are too many ways to evade taxes. Why does there have to be a tax on necessary.
items. I believe the only thing that should be taxed are those thing that are not essential for our.
well being.
Another problem with taxes is that they are too high. Recently I looked at my one of my.
mothers pay stubs and by the looks of it she does not even get half of her check. They take out.
taxes for this, that, and the other and I know that I do not see results of this money being put to.
use. It seems like the more money you make, the more they take out of your pay check.
Compared to someone who makes twenty thousand dollars only, close to twenty percent of their.
check goes to taxes. Where as a person who makes one hundred thousand dollars has to pay.
nearly thirty-five thousand dollars in taxes. Could you imagine having almost half of your hard.
earned money taken and you not being able to see what it is used for? They say that these dollars.
are going toward government funded organizations like public assistance (welfare). But how is it.
that they can live off our money? At least in todays" society those who are receiving public.
assistance have to work to get it where as years before they had to do nothing but sit around and.
collect all the help they can get. Does working help make up for them taking our valuable tax.
dollars? I do not think it does. If they can work for welfare then they can work a real job. .
Fraudulent people are those to watch for when it comes to taxes. They find some way,.
somehow o get over paying their taxes. Well I should not say fraudulent individuals because not.
only deceitful people get over when paying taxes.