They will usually start off .
small with petty theft. The teen may steal a few dollars from a parent or .
from work. Eventually, if they are not caught, this will no longer be able .
to support the habit. This is the point when the teen may decide to start .
dealing the drugs. Once this begins the teen is now in real danger. They .
are not only in danger of getting caught by police and getting in serious .
trouble that way but they are also in danger of being hurt or even killed by .
prospective buyers. Unfortunately this circle of crime has taken over many .
cities in this country and has destroyed or ended many young lives.
The use of marijuana has many health risks. One of these major risks is .
the effects that this drug has on the brain. By smoking marijuana over a .
prolonged period there is always the possible risk of brain damage. Even if .
brain damage does not occur, marijuana can greatly affect your ability to .
learn and may also cause short term memory loss. (Zimmer 57) Although .
marijuana use does not cause a physical addiction, the psychological .
addiction can be very strong. This may make the marijuana smoker have the .
constant need to be high. Not only does the smoker feel the need to always .
be high, they may also develop amotivational syndrome. Amotivational .
syndrome is when a person no longer cares about the way they present .
themselves, their diet, or what others think about them.(Godfrey 37) One of .
the most serious dangers that the drug represents to the brain is when the .
person is actual high on marijuana. Marijuana causes a distortion of time .
and space to the brain and therefore becomes very dangerous when a person .
high on marijuana gets behind the wheel of a car.(Godfrey 34) They have now .
not only put their life in danger but also the lives of others. Despite the .
misconception by many that marijuana does not effect a persons driving .
ability, the mix of marijuana and driving actually causes many deaths each .