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Luke's Significance In The Scriptures

             teachings, and Jesus" notoriety in the world.
             Students should be exposed to the chronological developments in Jesus" life and.
             preaching. At the age of twelve, Jesus was found by His parents in the synagogue .
             sermonizing about God's realm to all of the priests. Years later, Jesus was baptized by .
             John, with a voice coming from the heaven saying, "You are my beloved Son; with you I .
             am well pleased" (CSB 104). One must understand that at this point, Jesus is ready to go .
             into His ministry in Galilee. Jesus began to spread His Father's message, as well as .
             heal the sick; Just His touch would be enough to cure even the most fatal disease. Jesus .
             would then gather twelve men whom wished to follow Him, labeled "The Disciples". .
             Jesus would go on to attract huge crowds of people wishing to listen to Him speak. Often .
             times, He would do so in parables, or a story with a moral, to emphasize a certain point .
             pertaining to God. As His popularity among the common person started to grow, so did .
             the council's hatred for Him as they felt threatened by Jesus" powers. Jesus knew His .
             capture was in His future, so He had planned a final feast with His Disciples. Jesus said, .
             "I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer, for I tell you I shall .
             not eat it again until there is fulfillment in the King of God" (CSB 139). Jesus also goes .
             on to say that two of the Disciples would betray Him. Sure enough, Peter would deny .
             Kearney 3.
             even knowing Jesus to avoid imprisonment, and Judas" betrayal for some money.
             led Jesus to getting caught while praying in the garden. As defiant as these two are to .
             Jesus, He still forgives them. Jesus is eventually taken before Pilate to await a .
             sentencing. Pilate finds Jesus to be innocent, but the crowd's negative feelings for Him .
             are so strong that Pilate has to sentence Jesus to death. Put through torture, Jesus is .
             ultimately hung on a cross left for death, speaking his last word, "Father, into your hands .

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