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Lorenzos Oil

             Lorenzo's oil a MCA universal picture was filmed in 1992. Based on a true story with Susan Sarandon and Nick Nolte playing the parents Michalla and Augosto Odone of Lorenzo who is played by Peter Ustinov. At 5 years old Lorenzo is faced with a fatal disease called Adrenoleukodystrophy also known as ALD. The Odone`s then begin a mission to find a cure for the terminal disease. The Odone`s weren't dealt much time for the prognosis of the disease is about 2 years. With the extensive studying Lorenzo's parents were able to keep him alive well past 2 years. And after many trial and errors a cure was found and named after Lorenzo. The oil proves to bring ALD patients sugar level down to normal.
             Adrenoleukodystrophy is an X linked genetic disorder. In ALD the body is unable to break down very long chain fatty acid chains, this cause the myelin sheath around nerves in the brain or the spinal cord to deteriorate. When occurs the nerve can not function anymore. Symptoms may include hyperactivity, decreased school performance, difficulty understanding verbal communication, crossed eyes, hard time swallowing, changes in muscle tone, muscle spasms, paralysis, loss of hearing, visual impairment or blindness, comas and seizures. The Odone's use a kitchen sink as a reference to Lorenzo's body and how his body metabolism reacts in order to find a cure to stop the rise of saturated fats in his body. Lorenzo is like a kitchen sink one fossit is the represent of long chain saturated fats and other fossit is represented as biosynthesis and the plug is how your body eliminates all of that waste. In Lorenzo his c24 and c26 rises four times its normal average. They can stop producing c24 and c26 by stocking it with another type of fat. They then conclude that by adding mono and saturated c22 to the diet they can clog one of the fosset and there for allow the process to slow down immensely. .
             The doctors concluded that saturated c24 and c26 foods contain long chain saturated fats, which are very harmful to ALD bodies.

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