Secondly, all.
the boys leave Ralph's hard-working group to join Jack's group who just.
want to have fun. The day after the death of Simon when Piggy ! and Ralph.
are bathing, Piggy points beyond the platform and says, "That's where.
they're gone. Jack's party. Just for some meat. And for hunting and for.
pretending to be a tribe and putting on war-paint."(163). Piggy realizes.
exactly why the boys have gone to Jack's, which would be for fun and.
excitement. The need to play and have fun in Jack's group, even though.
the boys risk the tribe's brutality and the chance of not being rescued,.
outweighs doing work with Ralph's group which increase their chance s of.
being rescued. Young children need to satisfy their amusement by playing.
games instead of doing work. In conclusion, children are more interested.
in playing and having fun than doing unexciting labor.
When children are without adults to look to for leadership, they look for.
an adult-like person for leadership. At the beginning of the novel, when.
the boys first realize they are all alone, they turn to Ralph for.
leadership. After Ralph calls the first meeting, Golding writes, "There.
was a stillness about Ralph as he sat that marked him out: there was his.
size, and attractive appearance, and most obscurely, yet most powerfully,.
there was the conch. The being that had sat waiting for them." (24). The.
b oys are drawn to Ralph because of his physical characteristics and.
because he had blown the conch. The fact that there are no adults has.
caused the boys to be attracted to Ralph as a leader. The physical.
characteristics of Ralph remind the boys of their.
parents or other adult authority figures they may have had in their old.
lives back home. There is also the conch that Ralph holds which may.
remind the boys of a school bell or a teacher's whistle. Finally, at the.
end of the novel, the boys turn to Jack to satisfy their need for some much-needed.