largely by the people of English origin, by 1700 the regions had.
evolved into two distinct societies. The reasons for this distinct.
development were mostly based on the type on people from England who.
chose to settle in the two areas, and on the manner in which the areas.
were settled. .
New England was a refuge for religious separatists leaving England,.
while people who immigrated to the Chesapeake region had no religious.
motives. As a result, New England formed a much more religious society.
then the Chesapeake region. John Winthrop states that their goal was to.
form "a city upon a hill", which represented a "pure" community, where.
Christianity would be pursued in the most correct manner. Both the.
Pilgrims and the Puritans were very religious people. In both cases,.
the local government was controlled by the same people who controlled.
the church, and the bible was the basis for all laws and regulations.
From the Article of Agreement, Springfield, Massachusetts it is clear.
that religion was the basis for general laws. It uses the phrase "being.
by God's providence engaged together to make a plantation", showing that.
everything was done in God's name. The Wage and Price Regulations in.
Connecticut is an example of common laws being justified by the bible.
Also in this document the word "community " is emphasized, just as.
Winthrop emphasizes it saying: "we must be knit together in this work as.
one man". The immigrants to New England formed very family and.
religiously oriented communities. Looking at the emigrant lists of.
people bound for New England it is easy to observe that most people came.
in large families, and large families support the community atmosphere. .
There were many children among the emigrants, and those children were.
taught religion from their early childhood, and therefore grew up loyal.
to the church, and easily controllable by the same. Any deviants from.
the regime were silenced or persecuted before they could start any.